Tuesday, October 6, 2009



  1. Nice perspective on the dog and his tilted head. The two guys at the top seem a little tilted like they are about to fall over. The steam and smoke effects of the girl gives the environment more depth and movement.

  2. If you look closely at these drawings you see a lot of incomplete lines that do not connect with other lines. Not that there is anything wrong with it but because I don't see so many vertical lines in other drawings I figure that it is just your style to do it this way.

  3. Hey Nathan, nice work but make sure your dates are correct (this is labeled 9/31 but it was from the oct 5th class). Good job getting more of the environment in there.

  4. Jackie thanks very much, i dont know if im suppose to be drawing dogs but he was there. Yeah and my balance is way of, they where leaning on stuff forgot to show it. Lawrence Very observational to my week style. I always start my sketches that way, i will be able to erases it know with the pencil upgrade.
    Mr Umbleby, wups:) will fix next time and psot more for the day i missed
